Monday, February 1, 2016

My Favorite Spots #1: Culver City Stairs

On January 1st, 2016, while on a "New Year, New Me" kick, I ran up the Culver City Stairs in an attempt to capture the sunset. I missed it by like ten minutes and also had the pleasure of coming to terms with how grossly out of shape I am.

The Culver City Stairs is pretty much the best hike in LA if you're calculating the ratio between the amount of effort and the quality of the view, because it probably takes 10 minutes to get to the top and it's pretty much in the top 5 views in LA.

This is the first picture I took in 2016, when I made it to the top just minutes after sunset. You can see the ocean, the Palisades on the far right, and west LA in the center.

While the record for climbing the 282 steps is 2 minutes and 9 seconds (set by Leony Mendez in 2015), I've done it three times now and I'd say 10 to 15 minutes is fine.

When I went on January 1st, it was my second time. I wore jeans, a sweater, and didn't bring a water bottle. I was naïve. I came back on a cloudy January 10th in the early afternoon to get some more pictures specifically for this blog post.

Okay so I went a little overboard with the "Saturation" feature on Photoshop, but I really wanted to make these look like a warm, sunny day. The Culver City Stairs are actually a nickname for the Baldwin Hill Scenic Overlook, located on the southeast side of Culver City. The stair size and spacing are incredibly irregular, with the largest step being an aggravating 20 inches and the smallest being 3.5 inches.

Here is the view from one of the landings, which are perfect for taking breaks. Everyone parks on Jefferson Blvd when they come here, but be wary if you're trying to find a spot in the 20 minutes leading up to sunset.

The top is a large and flat lookout area, with views to the east, north, and west. This is the north view, where you can see Century City on the far left, and Hollywood on the far right.

I tried to Photoshop downtown LA back into view because it was so overcast that day, but it didn't really work.

What you really want to do is come at sunset, so you get the daytime, sunset, and nighttime views. It's really awesome watching LA light up after it gets dark.

I love this view of Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City.

Here you can see me, a certifiable fool, wearing jeans and a sweater to a hike. I wasn't camera ready at all, since I had been panting like crazy five minutes earlier. But hey, someone offered to take my picture.

Here is a flock of millenials enjoying the natural beauty of an LA sunset on the first day of the new year.

My one word of advice about doing the Culver City Stairs at sunset is not to wait around too long after the sun has gone down to return home, otherwise you'll need a flashlight to safely descend the steps.

But I'm very lucky to live in this neighborhood, since I can be sitting in my apartment one minute, and a 10 minute drive and a 10 minute hike later, I'm looking out over all of LA. 

So, to Runyon Canyon:

Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions are the best. When do we ever get the chance to make dramatic statements about the course of our lives? I revel in the corniness of over-the-top proclamations about the future.

Say Yes More
2015 got a lot of no from me. In January I moved across the country, and once I got settled it seemed to be that I would say no to anything that involved getting on a freeway… for good reason! But screw comfort zones, I’m tired of feeling like this was my last years’ resolution.

Leave LA a Lot
I think there’s a tendency to feel like LA is this giant, soul-sucking hellscape that drags on for hundreds of miles with no boundaries and you’re just stuck here sitting in traffic for the rest of your miserable existence and… where was I going with this? Oh yeah. I want to travel more. Writers need new experiences, and nothing promotes personal growth more than travel. There are a billion places left to for me to see! I’ve never been to Idaho!

Get A Mentor
No one makes it in LA without a mentor guiding them. As the capitalists say, it’s the number one way to get ahead in your career. My goal by the end of the year is to find someone who is doing what I want to be doing and to learn from them. We all know what happens to those who aren't properly mentored.

Learn A Language
I’m giving myself until midnight to decide… but by the end of the day I want to have taken the first lesson of Duolingo for a new language. Italian is calling to me like an ancient mother tongue, but Spanish literally comes up every single day in my life. Plus it's always been a secret dream of mine to learn Hawaiian.

Make a New Best Friend
This is a no-brainer. I feel like I include this on every New Year’s Resolution list I make, because making new friends is good for you! But what I found in moving to the West is that you need friends who are physically with you to make it in this cruel world. I want a support system to really make LA feel like a home and not “the loneliest and most brutal of American cities” (Jack Kerouac). And to all my friends back East… it’s a tier.

Running out of ideas… okay what did we learn from the events of 2015…

Pursue Your Passions
If One Direction can take a break to chase their individual dreams, so can I. And I have hobbies! I can do this. Obviously this involves writing more, and I like photography! And maybe I'll even try to get back into the YouTube stuff. I'm hip...

I tried reading lists of major world events from 2015 and I highly discourage it… that is some depressing stuff. I need to be grateful for what I do have, and give back to those who don’t. And maybe if I don’t have the money, at least I have the time and the energy to help out in some way.

Shut your whole face Zayn we haven't forgiven you yet.

I am not the worst chef in the world! I love the adult feeling you get when you’re in your apartment in your underwear, holding a glass of Chardonnay while stirring something in a pan… and Partition is playing…

Let’s face it, I ain’t going to a gym. That is not new year, new me. But I do like yoga a lot and I think I need it for all the driving I’ve been doing for Lyft. I feel like the Tin Man before they invite him to join their squad.

Find My Fashion
2014 was the year of plaid for me, and 2015 was the year of solid colored dress shirts. My closet went from a young Ennis Del Mar’s dream (minus the denim) to basically the entire X-Small Extra Tight Fitted stock at an Express store.


I know I know I’m hitting all the clichés, but I do need an excuse to read more! And not just every A-list celebrity’s memoir like I did last year… real books about real things! Maybe a classic or two.

That's all. Just some nice things to try to keep plugging along on this journey. Hope everyone enjoyed this post and came up with some of their own!